13 December 2007

On Writing

I like writing and I need to do it more often. I like this blog. When I write here I am relaxed: I have no real purpose in writing, no sense of expository or persuasive urgency. I have almost no readers, so I don't have anyone to entertain. There's no need to get out the fancy silverware and tell charming anecdotes and pretend to know something of world politics and remember whose drinks should have ice. When no one is watching, I don't need to have a formal topic. I don't need to have a point of view.

This is how I write: my mind drools and dribbles all day long, and sometimes I fold paper origamily into the shape of a bucket so that it will catch my viscous strands of brain-spit. When the page is filled, I dump its contents here. The process is pleasurable. I find I enjoy writing when it isn't about anything.