03 December 2015

Questions She Asked a Cow

What are you?
I am a steak, 313 hamburgers, and some dog food.
When did you know?
I have always known.
Did you fight it?
Why not?
There is nothing to fight.
Isn't there?
Things are the way they are. That is how the world goes.
Don't you feel that's unjust? Don't you think from a Rawlsian perspective —
I do not think from a Rawlsian perspective.
Because it's too painful for you?
Because it doesn't matter. Because I am a cow.  

13 January 2015


Rubbing exhausted eyes I cannot go to sleep yet, not yet, I cannot let myself sleep. I stay up one o'clock two o'clock three o'clock craving words, any words from anyone. It is worse at night, this longing, it is worse at night.