03 February 2007


I spent most of the last several days saying goodbye. I'm going to be gone from Cambridge for a long time--a year, maybe. By the time I get back, everything will have changed. People will have left, will have forgotten me, will have moved on with their lives. The fragile friendships I have nurtured so carefully, the delicate green tendrils just peeking through my lonely dead-wood social life, will have been stomped out by time's cruel stiletto heels. Crush porn will cheer and vie for the movie rights.

All last week in my head I played out the tearfully perfect farewells, but they never turned out right. Each time I was nervous and thus obnoxious, nonchalant. I didn't tell people how much they mean to me. I probably never will. I'm not very good at that.


  1. Dude, don't be so morose! You'll make me cry. :*(
    For the record, I won't forget you, I promise!! And neither will the pygmies. (Hm. A good idea for a comic, perhaps. Will have to get on that.) The Trinity lives on!


  2. I want a Pygmy Princess coloring book.
