01 November 2006

Mission Statement

I have taken the plunge. I have started a blog.

I was a blogger for over four years, but a few months ago I gave it up. Most of what I wrote was tedious, inane, inconsequential; eventually I realised that I bored even myself. But this time it will be different. I have started anew--a new blog, a clean slate, and no lingering reminders of my high school idiocy. Here only my college idiocy will be on display.

I begin this blog with no noble pretensions. I will not capture the spirit of the times with salient prose, nor will I write about the important issues facing the world today. I have little to say about campus news and the world around me. With shameless self-absorption, I will write about myself. I am the only topic on which I claim any expertise.

I will not regale you with stories from my life. I have very little interest in retelling the events of the day; I was there when they happened and find it tiresome to catch you up. Nor will I provide about myself more than incidental background information. I assume that you all know who I am and what I am doing with my life. If you don't, you can ask.

Instead I will record my thoughts. To me the thrill of blogging comes when I struggle to pin my wriggling thoughts in place and separate them neatly into paragraphs. Writing is a form of taxidermy: the process is ugly and possibly malodorous, but in the end you are left with still ideas frozen mid-leap-of-thought, lifelike yet crystalline. This is why I have begun again to blog.

I will always welcome feedback. Please make liberal use of the comment function.