18 November 2006

Radio Interview

Let us interrupt our regular programming for a special announcement:

Harvard's radio station, WHRB, interviewed me for a show they're doing on Sunday; apparently my reputation as a minor Harvard celebrity continues to make me interesting even now. I definitely had a fun time doing it--somebody actually encouraged me to yabber on--and all of you should listen in. I don't know how much of my interview they'll use in their show, or whether I'll come off sounding stupid, but have a listen and let me know.

The show into which my interview will allegedly be incorporated will air on Sunday at 12:30 PM. If you're in Boston, you can tune in at 95.3 FM. If you're not, you can listen online at whrb.org.

If afterwards you have anything to say on the topic, feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I'm curious about other people's ideas and I very much like feedback.


  1. Aw, I'm missing it for work. :(


  2. I missed it. I took a nap at about noon. Did you record it?

  3. I had to miss it too actually, since I had a coaching. I emailed the person who interviewed me about that yesterday, and she said she'd make me a copy of it.

  4. We eagerly await a chance to borrow said or another copy.

